Monday 27 July 2015

The Diary of Mary the Single mother, in the hands of her Uncle John

               Mary the single mother had a very terrible uncle who did all in his means to make life miserable for her. He did a lot of unreasonable and foolish things to her.
                           It all started for Mary when she got a baby. She did all in her power to take good care of the little baby with the little resources her parents provided her with. On the other hand her Uncle John would perform a lot of silly and petty stunts.
                           There was a time when he would put a piece of cloth in the toilet just so that she is unable to make use of it. He would also go as far as leaving his own toilet just to use Mary's toilet and he would not flush it after use. He always put on something in wooden form that had a very pungent smell which would affect both the baby and Mary. He would rant about many and different things just to get her sad. He would say things like Mary's life is a disaster thanks to her baby. He would even keep ranting that her baby is a bastard. Take note of the fact that this is Mary's immediate Uncle. Nigerian movies are not just movies things we watch happen to people.
This Uncle of hers has gone as far as threatening her with rape and destroying her life. As I said most of these things are not hearsay they are happening.
                         Mary lives in a big apartment which is said to be a family house in which the Uncle is said to be living in also. Every morning he would sing her a song
       "Mary my friend they sent you to school and you brought disgrace and shame. Mary my friend they sent you to school and you brought a bastard. He just did all these to mock her.
                          This story of Mary is a touching one . But what kept Mary moving on and keeping on is that little baby she cherished. She believed and had faith each passing day that her Uncle was moving her to a brighter life and that one day she would be a huge success. There is nothing so painful as having someone mock you and insult you especially in a case where the person is actually blood. Uncle John keeps disturbing Mary that she should go look for the father of her child and that there is nowhere to find him because the baby has no father.
                More editions of different stories of single mothers will be posted often.
Thank you T.F.A readers

Saturday 25 July 2015

The Pregnancy Experience...... Part 2

I had cravings for beans and amala. And taking popcorn became an everyday thing. Pregnancy makes someone taste ducts change, generally a lot just changes. Pregnant women get affected with different things. Some suddenly hate the smell of perfume, some love to smell sand, some suddenly eat more pepper than usual and so on. During this period I suddenly became a vegetarian. I hated meat and chicken. Fish became extra delicious. My love for beans and amala grew each passing day. I loved my beans with pap. Amala on the otherside was awesome with gbegiri and fish.
                          My dad was very scared when he got the news from my mom. He started asking his friends who graduated from UNILAG if I would be allowed to continue lectures or I would be asked to stop. It was a whole big experience. During this period I had about 6 friends who were pregnant too. So it was like I had a little clique of pregnant friends. I kept asking about different symptoms and I shared mine too. I enjoyed having pregnant friends around me lol. When one of them gave birth I got so anxious. And my friends did not help matters. They kept asking if I wanted my son to myself. Gosh! I got more anxious and tired of questions about my unborn baby. And well the anxiety did not last too long.
Here are a few pictures

Tuesday 7 July 2015

The Pregnancy Experience...... Part 1

In the past years I have learnt a lot. There are times life gets so difficult you cannot even tell if you have the strength to move on.
               Life as a single mother is one of the hardest. Its been God's Grace , family and a few great friends. My life and time as a mother has been a blessing. The blessing outweighs all the terrible comments people pass around from time to time and thus they all end up meaning nothing significant to me. I have come a long way to get to where I am now and I have no plans to give up.
              Pregnancy is a challenging experience. You get a million and one advises from different people on what to do, on what to eat, on what to wear and so on..... And if you follow all these you only keep getting confused. You get to hear different things like coke and sprite  is bad for the baby, drink Fanta its safe. Too much beans gets too acidic for the baby, take beans with bread all the time. Do not carry anything at all get people to help you it affects the baby. Wear a safety pin it protects the baby from harm and so on. The list is too long to mention. For me I did not even know I was pregnant until I was about 20 weeks pregnant that comes to about 5 months . Hence I had about 18 weeks to go. I had no idea I was pregnant during those weeks. The signs were some what different. I won't say I was in denial or anything I just did not think it at all. My stomach was still so small. I remember going for my scan after finding out and the doctor mentioned it too. He was so astonished that my tummy was still so small. Most of my course mates in school did not even notice until several weeks later. I informed my closest friends and they all had different reactions(Awazi, Chidera, Mildred and Omotola). All in all they were supportive. Chidera  had to excuse herself because she suddenly needed to empty her bowel. Omotola just thought it was a prank because I play a lot and I love to prank friends. I had pranked friends few weeks earlier that I was engaged, I even took many pictures to prove it lol. Awazi and Mildred just got scared they did not even know what to say. They were all so surprised. I'm the religious type and lets say I can be goodie two shoes which so to say does not always pay.  . Two of them spoilt me with a lot of food. Thanks to them I got my little son healthy and big and also  through natural birth weighing 4.3kg. I ate a lot of healthy food. I had so much support from them that my emotional self could not handle. It was too much to bear. Tears just kept rolling down my cheeks uncontrollably. Awazi did not help matters it was as though care and love was written all over her face anytime she came to see me. One of my coursemates, a birthday mate a great and sweet friend actually had a dream that I was pregnant.Chidera just had a way of keeping a smile on my face or she just kept saying and doing things that made me laugh so loud. Chidera and I stayed in the same room. Mildred was my fashion designer lol. She was always around to make me look beautiful. Her makeup was always awesome. She also loved taking pictures. One way or the other the days went by so well thanks to my sweet friends. My roommates were also awesome (Anjola, Yvonne , Tolu, Tope, Busayo, Damilola and Judith. I remember telling Tolu my water just broke she did not know what to do she turned into a statue immediately (lol). Anjola was filled with jokes. Yvonne was so motherly and loving. Busayo and Judith were caring but just did not completely show it. its something I could just tell. Tope I nicknamed her elder sister. She loved to cook and ofcourse I ate her food on several occasions. The first night in the hostel she helped me fetch my bathing water. they never allowed me carry a bucket of water. I was treated like a queen.
                    At this time October 2014 I was in 300 level , second semester. I stayed in the hostel for a while and as time went on my little boy, Kentigern kept growing inside. So anytime I went to have a bath many people would just stare at the tummy. Ofcourse I had different things going through my mind while they stared. But I just chose to ignore.
                    My parents are the unpredictable type especially my dad. When I first found out I was pregnant I told my mother and immediately she laughed so hard and told her again and she just kept laughing. It was on a Sunday and we were preparing to go to church. So i asked her what was funny cause I did not exactly get the joke myself. I'm sure most of you would think her reply was that she was happy she would be a grandmother or something like that but she was just amused at what happened during the weeks I was pregnant and I did not notice. I did not use the toilet so often as before so I thought it had to do with worms and I decided to get worm drugs, Patricia gave me so many suggestions on the worm drugs to get. She was also a roommate for a few weeks. My pregnancy hormones did not act so well on her (Patricia) there was a time I got so mad at her ermmm story for another day. During those weeks of pregnancy that I was not aware I also bought an acid drug and even agbo (I'm not sure that's the spelling) the traditional herbs.
                    I had cravings for beans and amala ..... uhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

    to be continued..........................................................