Saturday 3 November 2012

The Interview with Aniekan Teddy

The Female Activist:What do you think about relationships?
Aniekan Teddy:They are cool,nice,interesting,good to have when ready to settle down.

The Female Activist:Have you asked a girl out for a selfish motive?
Aniekan Teddy:Yes

The Female Activist:if she said yes how long was the relationship?
Aniekan Teddy:Three Months

The Female Activist:What was the basis of the relationship?
Aniekan Teddy:She was just looking for a real friend and a friend to pass time with.

The Female Activist:Presently do you have a girlfriend?
Aniekan Teddy:Yes

The Female Activist:What do you think relationships should be based on?
Aniekan Teddy:Love and frienship.

The Female Activist:What advice would you give people that want to enter into a relationship?What should they look out for?
Aniekan Teddy:They should make sure they are actually happy with the person not for ulterior motives but to be happy,have fun and not sex.

                         The Female Activist,Aniekan Teddy and Adenike(Aniekan's) girlfriend.
                                                                 After the interview......................

                                  Adenike and Aniekan Teddy.You both look so cute. xoxo

The Interview with Aniekan Teddy.

Thursday 30 August 2012

The Female Activist: An Interview With Miss A

The Female Activist: An Interview With Miss A: Thursday, 30th August 2012 Female Activist:What do you think about relationships? Miss A:I think relationships are lovely but are overrate...

An Interview With Miss A

Thursday, 30th August 2012
Female Activist:What do you think about relationships?
Miss A:I think relationships are lovely but are overrated,the media lies a lot.Relationships in the media are exaggerated and are made to be like what theyare not.If you put your head into a relationship,its lovely especially if its not only you trying.

Female Activist: Have you asked a man out for a selfish motive?
Miss A:No

Female Activist: Presently do you have a boyfriend?
Miss A:Yes

Female Activist: What do you think relationships should be based on?
MissA:They should be based on respect,true love and commitment.

Female Activist:Have you had a boyfriend who has been with you for selfish reasons?If yes how did you find out?
Miss A:In official sense No,in other ways yes.I was wise,with the help of friends and he did not want to take it to the next level.He was not obviously ready for commitment even with the fact that we did things people that are dating do,which obviously he was being selfish not considering me and it was only wise to move on.

Female Activist:What advice would you give people that want to enter into a relationship?What should they look out for?
Miss A:They should not be in it for selfish reasons.They should make sure they can go the extra mile for that person before getting into it.They should pay attention to the tiny details.When thay are in it they should give their all.Thats love whole heartedly,it is hard but it works.Most of all they should be close enough to play with each other,call each other funny names no matter the age, be close friends and great lovers.If you are not Psychologically alright please do not date,in the interest of yourself and your partner, nobody wants a cycle of break ups and make ups.

Wednesday 15 August 2012

Different Reasons And The Motives Why A Male Asks A Female For A Relationship Continued, Example 2.

Wednesday, 15th August 2012

Example 2
Met my immediate Ex last year December 10th 2011.After knowing each other for a while he asked me out and I said yes on the 18th of February 2012.Before I said yes he spoke about his Ex a lot and I kept telling him he should resolve issues with her and go back to her but he disagreed.During the relationship talk about his Ex kinda lingered and  I knew he still loved her.There was a day he said they saw each other and she said she wants him back and my reply was if he still wants to go ahead with her its fine since they knew each other for a longer period of time than he knew me.I kept insisting but again he disagreed.On the 27th of May,himself,my friends his friends and I went to hangout in the beach,I had fun and the last time we saw was the following day(28th May 2012).Through the week I was always the one communicating which I purposely did because I knew all wasn't fine and I tried to see if I could fix everything but well it didn't work.He started ignoring me anytime I asked him to come see me and I actually really wanted to see him because he was leaving the state for another state during the week.One day during that week I asked him if all was good and he said yes,he is cool, but reckoned I was not. I laughed and said so now you are placing the cards on me,okay there is no point complaining because nothing would change.Already I was cutting off the feelings I had for him.One of my friends had  a chat with his friend and the chat was thus:
My friend:Come how is your friend?
His friend:Are you missing him?
My friend:No,just asking. because Florence does not want to talk about him and I dont know if they are still good.
His friend:Why?Why would she self not want to fuck?
My friend:Ha ahn.So because of fuck they aint good again?
His friend:I think so.
My friend:Hian
His friend:Can you blame him?
My friend:Yes
His friend:How do you expect an old man to be celibate?
My friend:So because I won't brap you,you will break up with me?

Tuesday 14 August 2012

The Female Activist: Different Reasons And The Motives Why A Male Asks ...

The Female Activist: Different Reasons And The Motives Why A Male Asks ...: Tuesday,14th August 2012 6.A BET: Some male's motive in this regard is after making a bet with friends and deciding to ask a lady out.In ...

Different Reasons And The Motives Why A Male Asks A Female For A Relationship Continued

Tuesday,14th August 2012

6.A BET:
Some male's motive in this regard is after making a bet with friends and deciding to ask a lady out.In this case probably the lady in question refused one of the males or is considered a hot and dignified person who rejects the opposite sex.In wanting to prove tough some guys bet about getting her  for fun or wickedness.
In cases whereby a male has suffered a heartbreak especially in cases where he really loves the lady,he takes advantage of getting another lady just to forget the previous one.Mostly rebounds dont last, they usually  take 4-5 months and its all over.Trying to forget a girl in place of another is not a wise step,there are many other steps that one could take.

     There are many other reasons and motives males have when it comes to asking for a relationship.You have nothing to gain if you choose to follow the wrong motive.Females be wise and smart when the opposite sex asks you out,very few have good intentions.

Personally I've got several examples in my life.Hmmmm there was a period in time where Mr.A always tried his best to be  there for me in every possible way.Well this went on for a few weeks and good for me I had no plans to give in.One day we were chatting and I just decided to delete him,he didnt notice this until when I sent him a direct message on twitter the following day and I said thus 'Hi no offence but I deleted you on my blackberry messenger' and he replied 'lol,what did I do this time? and I said I would prefer us sending each other direct messages other than chatting on blackberry  messenger and he agreed.I have no idea what Mr.A's motive was with me,but for a start he ought not to always ask if I could come to his house which he always did.He also ought to have noticed when I deleted him because we were actually chatting when I did.Probably he had many other ladies he tried his best to impress to give in to him.The suspense of knowing why he really wanted me over in his house still lingers.

Monday 13 August 2012

Different Reasons And The Motives Why A Male Asks A Female For A Relationship

Monday 13th August 2012

A female should be respected in the society.Men have different reasons and motives when it comes to asking a lady out..
1.LOVE:Real men act real.A man with the motive of loving,cherishing,understanding and respecting his lady has great and true love for her and this should be respected by his other friends and family.

2.SEX:Men without the fear of God always want sex before marriage when it comes to asking a lady out.In this regard they ask a lady out just because they need to satisy their sexual pleasures not because they actually love the lady in question which is wrong.God created Eve after Adam because he couldnt leave alone he needed a companion not a sex object.

3.LOOKS:Some men ask for a relationship just because the lady is good looking,beautiful,great stature and attractive.This shouldnt be.

4.SOCIAL STATUS:When a female is highly regarded in the society,could be the daughter of a great man in the society e.g president,minister etc. or is very successful and famous draws the attention of a man which is normal.In this regard the man would have intentions of wanting the girl as a girlfriend with the intention that he would be famous or be tagged thus 'The boyfriend of the ministers daughter' and in real sense the motive is to be highly regarded.

5.MONEY:Men get into a relationship because of money.When a lady is very successful she attracts the opposite sex which is normal just like point number 4.The man in question wanting to have something to do with the lady because of her heavy pass.