Tuesday 14 August 2012

Different Reasons And The Motives Why A Male Asks A Female For A Relationship Continued

Tuesday,14th August 2012

6.A BET:
Some male's motive in this regard is after making a bet with friends and deciding to ask a lady out.In this case probably the lady in question refused one of the males or is considered a hot and dignified person who rejects the opposite sex.In wanting to prove tough some guys bet about getting her  for fun or wickedness.
In cases whereby a male has suffered a heartbreak especially in cases where he really loves the lady,he takes advantage of getting another lady just to forget the previous one.Mostly rebounds dont last, they usually  take 4-5 months and its all over.Trying to forget a girl in place of another is not a wise step,there are many other steps that one could take.

     There are many other reasons and motives males have when it comes to asking for a relationship.You have nothing to gain if you choose to follow the wrong motive.Females be wise and smart when the opposite sex asks you out,very few have good intentions.

Personally I've got several examples in my life.Hmmmm there was a period in time where Mr.A always tried his best to be  there for me in every possible way.Well this went on for a few weeks and good for me I had no plans to give in.One day we were chatting and I just decided to delete him,he didnt notice this until when I sent him a direct message on twitter the following day and I said thus 'Hi no offence but I deleted you on my blackberry messenger' and he replied 'lol,what did I do this time? and I said I would prefer us sending each other direct messages other than chatting on blackberry  messenger and he agreed.I have no idea what Mr.A's motive was with me,but for a start he ought not to always ask if I could come to his house which he always did.He also ought to have noticed when I deleted him because we were actually chatting when I did.Probably he had many other ladies he tried his best to impress to give in to him.The suspense of knowing why he really wanted me over in his house still lingers.


  1. lol you know why he wanted you in his house. Do you still talk to him?

  2. *clears throat* he may have had good intentions but i doubt.We don't really talk anymore.

  3. firstly, relationships shouldn't always be based on love because there are other kinds of relationships..
    secondly, nice of you not to waste your time on such idiots. But at the same time gurls should watch the way they talk because sometimes the send the wrong messages using their voices and body languages.
