Monday 13 August 2012

Different Reasons And The Motives Why A Male Asks A Female For A Relationship

Monday 13th August 2012

A female should be respected in the society.Men have different reasons and motives when it comes to asking a lady out..
1.LOVE:Real men act real.A man with the motive of loving,cherishing,understanding and respecting his lady has great and true love for her and this should be respected by his other friends and family.

2.SEX:Men without the fear of God always want sex before marriage when it comes to asking a lady out.In this regard they ask a lady out just because they need to satisy their sexual pleasures not because they actually love the lady in question which is wrong.God created Eve after Adam because he couldnt leave alone he needed a companion not a sex object.

3.LOOKS:Some men ask for a relationship just because the lady is good looking,beautiful,great stature and attractive.This shouldnt be.

4.SOCIAL STATUS:When a female is highly regarded in the society,could be the daughter of a great man in the society e.g president,minister etc. or is very successful and famous draws the attention of a man which is normal.In this regard the man would have intentions of wanting the girl as a girlfriend with the intention that he would be famous or be tagged thus 'The boyfriend of the ministers daughter' and in real sense the motive is to be highly regarded.

5.MONEY:Men get into a relationship because of money.When a lady is very successful she attracts the opposite sex which is normal just like point number 4.The man in question wanting to have something to do with the lady because of her heavy pass.


  1. Very very true. The first one is the only one that should be... but oh well, the world is full of all.

  2. Teddy you know this right am very glad.Keep treating your lady right your reward is in Heaven God Bless

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. hmmmmm.....Men get into Relationship because of money.....? can judge the Future of that Relationship obviously
